Surrigonia is the title for the short fantasy novel I'm writing. Story follows a boy who sets of on a journey to save his father that got poisoned while the two of them were fishing.
The title "Surrigonia" actually represents mythical rare plant with miraculous medicinal properties and is the only thing that can save this boy's father's life.
The main plot of the story was written around 2009. Over the following years I came up with separate stories and characters. Now, I'm blending these elements into one larger and a bit more complex novel. The turntable animation bellow is one of the creatures that shows up in Surrigonia. It is Crab Queen of the Needle Island. The model is still in wip stage and far from showing all the details and beauty of the concept I have in my mind. More frequent posts with concept designs and ideas revolving around Surrigonia can be seen on my Facebook page.